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Medien-Archiv vom 02.12.2007

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02.12.07California grapples with emissions law48SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - For all the praise and attention California has received for its landmark emissions-reduction plan, it's becoming clear that signing the legislation was the easy part. ...
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02.12.07California emission caps prove elusive71SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - For all the praise and attention California has received for its landmark emissions-reduction plan, it's becoming clear that signing the legislation was the easy part. ...
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02.12.07Australian shares outlook - Slightly lower as energy stocks come under pressure33SYDNEY (Thomson Financial) - Australian shares are expected to open slightly lower Monday, with gains likely to be capped by weakness in the energy sector following a retreat in oil prices on...
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02.12.07CIBER Opens New Office in Chennai, India62CHENNAI & BANGALORE, India; GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo., Dec. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- CIBER, Inc. today announced it has opened a new office in the city of Chennai, the capital of the Indian state of Tamil...
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02.12.07Tokyo shares outlook - Mixed after directionless Wall Street session36TOKYO (Thomson Financial) - Japanese shares are expected to open mixed on Monday after a directionless performance in New York on Friday as weak third quarter results from Dell Inc weighed heavily...
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02.12.07Royal Society of London Meeting zum BioInitiative Report und der dringenden Notwendigkeit neuer Grenzwerte für die öffentliche Exposition auf Basis biologischer Daten41Wenn man die Sicherheitsgrenzwerte für elektromagnetische Strahlung (EMS) anlegt, die ursprünglich für kurzfristige Expositionen ausgearbeitet wurden und die...
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02.12.07Sul América erwartet Eurobonds-Tilgung46Sul América S.A. (BOVESPA: SULA11) vollendet am 28. November 2007 die frühzeitige Tilgung von 35 % des gesamten Darlehensbetrages ihrer 8,625-prozentigen Schuldtitel...
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02.12.07Guest List for the White House Reception for the Kennedy Center Honors Hosted by the President and Mrs. Bush1.451Office of the First Lady THE PRESIDENT and MRS. BUSH   ...
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02.12.07Experts: Bailout not complete solution40WASHINGTON (AP) - If lenders temporarily freeze low introductory interest rates on home loans made to risky borrowers before they soar, it would be a modest fix for the country's fractured...
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02.12.07Stuttgarter Nachrichten: zu Russland36Stuttgart (ots) - Es ist nicht schwer vorherzusagen, wie es weitergeht: Das von Putin verfochtene Staatsmodell der gelenkten Demokratie wird nun noch mehr in die Erstarrung verfallen. 16 Jahre nach...
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02.12.07Shoe makers build on soccer excitement43PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - Amid the excitement of the European Championship 2008 draw Sunday, shoe makers are hoping to build some buzz of their own. Companies like Nike Inc., Adidas AG and others...
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02.12.07Experts: Bailout not complete solution35WASHINGTON (AP) - If lenders temporarily freeze low introductory interest rates on home loans made to risky borrowers before they soar, it would be a modest fix for the country's fractured housing...
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02.12.07Mrs. Butterworth gets makeover39MOUNTAIN LAKES, N.J. (AP) - The talking grandmother-shaped syrup bottle is back on television ads for Mrs. Butterworth's. The bespectacled Vlasic stork is hawking pickles again, too. Boxes...
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02.12.07Mrs. Butterworth gets makeover36MOUNTAIN LAKES, N.J. (AP) - The talking grandmother-shaped syrup bottle is back on television ads for Mrs. Butterworth's. The bespectacled Vlasic stork is hawking pickles again, too. Boxes...
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02.12.07Rehabbers cash in on foreclosed houses61MAPLE HEIGHTS, Ohio (AP) - After the unpaid mortgage bills, the creditor warnings and finally the sheriff's sale, it's sometimes left to a handy man like Adrian Brad to clean up the mess left...
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02.12.07California grapples with emissions law27SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - For all the praise and attention California has received for its landmark emissions-reduction plan, it's becoming clear that signing the legislation was the easy part. ...
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02.12.07Rheinische Post: Gespaltenes Belgien47Düsseldorf (ots) - Von Anja Ingenrieth Belgien galt lange als Paradebeispiel, wie sich Konflikte und Spannungen zwischen Volksgruppen lösen lassen. Nun entpuppt sich der viel gepriesene Königsweg...
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02.12.07Treasury plan won't help all borrowers30WASHINGTON (AP) - If lenders temporarily freeze low introductory interest rates on home loans made to risky borrowers before they soar, it would be a modest fix for the country's fractured housing...
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02.12.07Rheinische Post: Standort-Weihnacht25Düsseldorf (ots) - Von Thomas Reisener Das Weihnachtsgeschäft ist für den Einzelhandel längst kein kalendarisch garantierter Segen mehr. Die regionalen Umsatz-Unterschiede werden immer schärfer:...
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02.12.07Westfalen-Blatt: Das WESTFALEN-BLATT (Bielefeld) zum Sudan27Bielefeld (ots) - Geehrter Prophet Mohammed, gern möchte ich Sie freisprechen von dem Unsinn, den manche Ihrer Gefolgsleute zu verantworten haben. Ich weiß, die Mehrzahl der Islam-Anhänger ist vernünftig....
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