Cryo-Save Group promotes the awareness of cord blood storage and stem cell therapies at several professional conferences held throughout eastern and southern Europe.
It is with great pleasure that Cryo-Save supports the awareness, research and advancement of cord blood storage and therapies by taking part in and sponsoring four major conferences in Cyprus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Hungary during the months of September and October.
Stem cells are becoming ever more important in the medical field as a way to treat a broad variety of malignant and non-malignant diseases such as leukemia's and other childhood cancers. Patients suffering from sickle cell anemia have been considered cured after being treated with stem cells.[1] Over 4,000 clinical trials using cord blood stem cells are taking place to treat diseases such as cerebral palsy, diabetes and autism with many more potential clinical trials continuing to develop.
"Cryo-Save's efforts to inform the medical community about advances in regenerative medicine means that patients suffering from diseases treatable with stem cells can also become better informed," says Dr. Cherie Daly, Medical Affairs Manager Cryo-Save. "Having a series of events and programs as part of Cord Blood Awareness Months makes an even stronger impact on the meaningfulness of this research and its application." Cryo-Save Group will continue its commitment to promoting the storage of cord blood and stem cells even after Cord Blood Awareness Months by offering several customer related promotions.
A half-day conference in Limassol, Cyprus will be held September 15 giving the medical community the opportunity to talk with scientists specialized in stem cells about the latest applications and cord blood and tissue regulatory requirements. Cryo-Save's Medical Affairs Manager Dr. Cherie Daly, member of ITERA (International Tissue Engineering Research Association), member of the Advisory Panel for the Parents' Guide to Cord Blood Foundation and Dr. Sally Sennitt, Cryo-Save Lab Director, will be there to present on these topics.
The third International Conference on Regenerative Medicine: Stem Cells, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnologies will take place September 21 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Arnoud van Tulder, Cryo-Save Group CEO, will present on the "Importance of Family Stem Cell Banking: Over 10 Years of Leading Experience." Medical professionals will also present on subjects like applications of cord blood, stem cell therapies and pharmacogenomics.
1. University of Illinois at Chicago (2012, June 18). Chicago woman cured of sickle cell disease. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 12, 2012, from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/06/120618194714.htm
With the idea of broadening perspectives and expanding knowledge in the areas of regenerative medicine, genetics and clinical applications, Cryo-Save Serbia will be sponsoring the fifth International Symposium on Regenerative and Personalised Medicine on October 4 in Belgrade. Leading speakers such as Prof. Dr. Daniel Surbek from the University of Bern, Switzerland and Maja Stojiljkovic Petrovic, PhD of IMGGE, University of Belgrade will present their research and other works pertaining to stem cell application in tissue engineering at the symposium.
Sejtbank, Cryo-Save's subsidiary in Hungary, will be sponsoring the From Birth to Three Years of Age International Professional Conference in Budapest, October 29-31. The conference focuses on early intervention for children in need, explores international experiences and research results, presents domestic and special regional practices along with specifically Hungarian forms of therapy. Dr. Cherie Daly, Cryo-Save Medical Affairs Manager will present on "The Role of Umbilical Cord Blood in Neonatal and Pediatric Care".
Cryo-Save, the leading international family stem cell bank, and the largest bank in Europe, stores more than 222,000 samples from umbilical cord blood, cord tissue and adipose tissue. There are already many diseases treatable by the use of stem cells, and the number of treatments will only increase. Driven by its international business strategy, Cryo-Save is now represented in over 40 countries on three continents, with ultra-modern processing and storage facilities in Arabia, Belgium, Germany, India and South Africa.
Cryo-Save: http://www.cryo-save.com/group
ots Originaltext: Cryo-Save AG Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Contact: More information: Ashley Ringger - Marketing Project Manager, ashley.ringger@cryo-save.com, tel: +41-55-222-0251
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