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Cordoba Minerals Reports High-Grade Mineral Resources for the Alacran Copper and Gold Deposit

TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (Marketwired) -- 01/05/17 -- Cordoba Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE: CDB)(OTCQX: CDBMF) ("Cordoba" or the "Company") and its joint-venture partner, High Power Exploration Inc. ("HPX"), a private mineral exploration company indirectly controlled by mining entrepreneur Robert Friedland's Ivanhoe Industries, LLC, are pleased to announce an initial Mineral Resource estimate for the Alacran Copper-Gold Deposit in Colombia.

Highlights (the figures referenced are at end of news release)

--  The initial, pit-constrained, Inferred Mineral Resource for the Alacran
    Deposit is 53.52 million tonnes at 0.70% copper and 0.37 g/t gold, or
    0.95% copper equivalent (CuEq), including 7.37 million tonnes at 2.14%
    copper and 0.41 g/t gold above 1% copper (Cu) cut off.

--  The Inferred Mineral Resource is contained within a shallow, north-south
    trending mineralized corridor that is approximately 1.3 kilometres long
    and up to 355 metres wide.

--  Mineral resources are reported within a conceptual open-pit shell which
    extends for the full length of the 1.3 kilometre corridor and to a depth
    of 220 metres below surface (see figure 2 and 4). The broad horizontal
    widths of mineral resource zones from surface are considered favorable
    for potential open-pit development at relatively low potential strip
    ratios, subject to the demonstration of economic viability (see figures
    2, 4, 5 & 6).

--  Copper-gold mineralization has been intercepted in drill holes below the
    conceptual pit shell and also at depths greater than 220 metres below
    surface; however, this mineralization was not included in the initial
    Inferred Mineral Resource due to insufficient drilling at the Mineral
    Resource cut-off date (see figures 4, 5 & 6). This mineralization
    provides the joint venture with immediate drilling targets which could
    materially expand the Inferred Mineral Resource.

--  The Alacran mineralized system remains open to depth. Surface copper-
    gold geochemical anomalies also indicate significant potential for
    additional mineralized zones to the east and west of the Mineral

--  The potential for the discovery of the mineralizing source for the high-
    grade copper and gold at Alacran is considered strong. Drill targets
    have been identified and will be aggressively tested by the joint
    venture this year.

Table 1: El Alacran Mineral Resource as at October 27, 2016

Inferred     Material       Grade             Metal        Copper Equivalent
                        Copper     Gold   Copper     Gold               CuEq
                 (Mt)      (%)    (g/t)    (Mlb)    (Koz)  CuEq (%)    (Mlb)
greater than
 0.3 CuEq       53.52     0.70     0.37      827      644      0.95    1,121
greater than
 1.0% Cu         7.37     2.14     0.41      348       98      2.42      393

(i) Pit constrained mineral resources are reported in relation to a conceptual Whittle pit shell. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate. Mt: millions of tonnes; Mlb: millions of pounds; Koz: thousands of ounces.

(ii)Copper equivalent grades are based on estimated copper and gold values, metal prices $2.50/lb Cu and $1300/oz gold (Au). Metal prices are not constant and are subject to change.

(iii) Pit constrained mineral resources are reported at a copper equivalent cut-off of 0.3% and applying assumed metal recoveries of 90% for Cu and 80% for Au. Note no metallurgical test work has been undertaken by Cordoba and the recoveries are estimates only.

(iv) Capped copper and gold assay composites were interpolated by ordinary kriging constrained within geologically constrained copper-gold grade shell boundaries (Figure 3).

The Mineral Resource estimate was independently prepared by Mining Associates Limited ("MA"), a leading global geological, resource and mining consultancy, and is reported in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") and the 2014 CIM Definition Standards. The Inferred Mineral Resource estimate is based on 20,200 metres of diamond drilling completed as at October 27, 2016.

Mario Stifano, President and CEO of Cordoba, commented, "We are pleased with the initial mineral resource which demonstrates the potential for the Alacran Project to host a significant tonnage of high-grade, potentially open-pittable copper-gold mineralization. This is just the beginning as our ongoing, aggressive drilling program is aimed at growing the mineral resources in size and confidence levels, extending high-grade copper- and gold-rich mineralized zones and drilling additional exploration targets with potential to add a new and significant exploration front to Alacran."

Alacran Location and Geography

The Alacran copper-gold deposit is located within the Company's San Matias Copper-Gold Project in the Department of Cordoba, Colombia, an area where access and infrastructure are considered favorable. The Alacran system is located on a topographic high in gently rolling topography, optimal for potential open-pit mining. Copper-gold mineralization at Alacran is largely hosted in a marine volcano-sedimentary package on the west-dipping limb of a faulted antiformal fold structure and partly in dioritic and felsic intrusions with sill-like geometries (Figure 1). The deposit comprises moderately- to steeply-dipping copper-gold mineralized zones, broadly concordant with host litho-stratigraphy and intrusion contacts. The copper-gold mineralization consists of chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite-pyrite veins, replacements (including massive sulfides) and disseminations that locally overprint hydrothermal magnetite-rich zones that are most strongly developed near intrusion contacts. Mineralization occurs over a strike length of more than 1,300 metres with horizontal widths up to 355 metres and has been drill-intersected to depths of 300 metres from surface.

Mineral Resource Parameters

The drilling database utilized in resource estimation was closed on October 27, 2016 and comprises 76 diamond drill-holes totaling 20,197 metres including 11,230 metres drilled by Ashmont Resources in 2011 and 2012 (see Table 3 for holes drilled by Cordoba). A total of 19,958 assay samples were used to constrain the resource estimation, of which 4,705 samples are copper-gold mineralized, providing 2,202 two-metre assay composites used to form the resource estimate.

Composite lengths and high-grade cuts based on spatial distribution and probability plots were applied as follows:

--  Copper and gold assay data was composited to two metres down hole within
    geological domains; a copper grade cap was applied at the 97.5th
    percentile in high-copper domains and 98th percentile in the lower grade
--  Gold assays were composited to two metres down hole within copper
    domains and were capped near the 98th percentile.

Block model block-size selection (XYZ 20 x 20 x 10m) is based on approximately 1/2 the drill hole spacing in Mina Norte. Sub-blocking is permitted 5x5 x 2.5m for volumes. The block model is screened for LIDAR-based topography by sub-blocks.

The geological resource is constrained by sub-block within seven wireframes ("grade shells") in domains based on lithology, structure and a minimum sample grade of 0.3% CuEq and may include minor internal dilution (e.g. Figures 3, 4, 5 & 6). Gold, iron and sulfur are constrained by the low-grade CuEq shells, iron and sulfur are also estimated unconstrained to inform the waste blocks. Separate grade-shells were created for high-grade copper and gold based on grade greater than 1% Cu and greater than 1g/t Au respectively.

The constraining grade shells are modelled within a corridor, elongate approximately 1.3 kilometres north-south, of up to 355 metres horizontal width and interpolated/extrapolated to depths locally reaching 300 metres from surface (Figures 2 and 3).

Copper and gold grades were interpolated into the constrained block model by domain using ordinary krige techniques. Kriging parameters are derived from a study of variography by domain. The block model was validated by statistical and visual comparison of data and estimated grades and by alternate estimation methods.

Routine bulk density measurements (747) show some variation with an average bulk density of 3.01 t/m3. Bulk density was calculated based on an iron regression, BD=0.0292 x Fe% + 2.5599, utilising block iron contents estimated as outlined above.

Mineral Resources have been classified as Inferred. Resource classification is based on confidence in grade continuity and geological models of the primary commodities (Cu, Au). The inferred resource lies above -30 mRL and within a conceptual Whittle pit shell (Figures 2, 5, & 6). Drill spacing in Mina Norte approximates a 40 x 40 m grid, drilling at Mina Seca has one to two holes per section.

Mineral Resources are reported at various copper grade ranges, within the 0.3% CuEq shell, clearly identifying the proportion of mineralization below 0.3% copper that is enriched in gold in the resource (Table 2) in both resource domains (Mina Norte & Mina Seca, Figure 3). Tonnages are rounded to the nearest million tonnes, copper grades are rounded to two decimal places and accessory minerals are rounded to one decimal place. Rounding as required by reporting guidelines reflect the accuracy of the estimates and may result in apparent summation differences between tonnes grade and contained metal.

Table 2: Inferred Mineral Resource at El Alacran resource at various Copper Cut-offs (total inferred resource above 0.3% CuEq and within conceptual pit)(i)

Inferred    Copper   Material      Grade          Metal          Copper
                               Copper   Gold  Copper   Gold    CuEq    CuEq
Deposit   Cut Off        (Mt)     (%)  (g/t)   (Mlb)  (Koz)     (%)   (Mlb)
Mina Norte0.0 to 0.3     0.69    0.27   0.31       4      7    0.47       7
          0.3 to 1.0    28.82    0.52   0.27     328    255    0.70     445
          than  1.0      4.65    1.98   0.34     203     51    2.21     226
Sub Total               34.16    0.71   0.28     535    313    0.90     678
Mina Seca 0.0 to 0.3     4.35    0.24   0.65      23     91    0.68      65
          0.3 to 1.0    12.29    0.46   0.49     125    193    0.79     214
          than  1.0      2.72    2.41   0.54     145     47    2.78     167
Sub Total               19.36    0.69   0.53     293    331    1.04     444
          than  0.3%
Total     CuEq          53.52    0.70   0.37     827    644    0.95   1,122

(i)Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Mineral resources are reported above a conceptual pit shell, and using a copper equivalent cut-off of 0.3% and apply assumed metal recoveries of 90% for Cu and 80% for Au. No metallurgical test work has yet been undertaken by Cordoba.

Outside of the Inferred Mineral Resource, there is unclassified copper-gold mineralization identified in the grade shell models that either lacks confidence in grade and geological continuity (e.g. Mina Este, Figure 4, legend item 4) or is at depth below the -25m RL This mineralization provides immediate drilling targets for potential mineral resource additions.

Further drilling may be expected to increase the confidence levels in, and also potentially add, mineral resources. The Company expects to update the Mineral Resources during the second quarter of 2017 after the expected completion of its current drilling program. The Alacran system remains open to depth along much of its strike length and surface copper-gold geochemical anomalies indicate the potential for largely untested mineralized zones to the east and west of current mineral resources.

Alacran Option Agreement

The Joint Venture has an option (the "Option") to earn a 100% interest in the Alacran Project by completing the remaining commitments (see Cordoba news release dated October 21, 2015):

--  A US$250,000 payment to Sociedad Ordinaria de Minas Omni ("OMNI") on the
    24-month anniversary of signing the Letter of Intent ("LOI").
--  A US$1,000,000 payment to OMNI on the 24-month anniversary of completion
    of the Definitive Agreement.
--  Cordoba will file with the Colombian government for the relevant
    approvals to conduct activities of construction and commercial
    production at Alacran before June 30, 2018.
--  A US$14,000,000 payment to OMNI when the environmental license and all
    other approvals, permits or licenses required to commence the
    construction and operation of a commercial mine at Alacran have been
    granted on a final basis by the Colombian government.

OMNI will retain a 2% net smelter royalty with advance royalty payments of US$500,000 commencing three years after receipt of approvals to commence construction at Alacran or six years after filing for approval to commence construction at Alacran. HPX has previously purchased a 50.1% interest in OMNI (see Cordoba news release dated April 6, 2016).

Technical Information

The current mineral resource estimate was completed by MA, under the direction of Ian Taylor MAusIMM (CP), an independent Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. The QP visited the El Alacran property and supervised the geological modelling input to the current study. CIMM definitions and guidelines were followed for Mineral Resource estimation based on the parameters outlined above. Readers are reminded that Inferred Mineral Resources do not have demonstrated economic viability. Mr. Taylor has reviewed this news release and consented to the inclusion of extracts from, or a summary of, the technical information prepared under his direction and supervision. A technical report providing details of the Inferred Mineral Resource estimate will be filed on SEDAR ( within 45 days.

The technical content of this news release has been compiled, reviewed and verified by Vic Wall, PhD, a Qualified Person for the purpose of NI 43-101. Dr. Wall is a geologist with over 45 years in the minerals mining, consulting, exploration and research industries and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG).

About San Matias Project

The San Matias Copper-Gold Project comprises a 20,000-hectare land package on the inferred northern extension of the richly endowed Mid-Cauca Belt in Colombia. The project contains several known areas of porphyry copper-gold mineralization, copper-gold skarn mineralization and vein-hosted, gold-copper mineralization. Porphyry mineralization at the San Matias Project incorporates high-grade zones of copper-gold mineralization hosted by diorite porphyries containing secondary biotite alteration and various orientations of sheeted and stock-work quartz-magnetite veins with chalcopyrite and bornite. The hydrothermal copper-gold mineralization at Alacran is associated with stratabound replacements and veining of a marine volcano-sedimentary sequence in the vicinity of dioritic intrusions. The nature of mineralization encountered at San Matias is similar to other large high-grade copper-gold deposits.

Joint Venture Agreement

The San Matias Project is a joint venture between Cordoba and HPX, a private mineral exploration company founded by mining entrepreneur Robert Friedland. HPX has earned a 51% interest in the San Matias Project and has entered Phase Three of the Joint Venture Agreement, whereby HPX can earn up to 65% by carrying the project to feasibility.

About High Power Exploration

HPX is a privately owned, metals-focused exploration company deploying proprietary in-house geophysical technologies to rapidly evaluate buried geophysical targets. The HPX technology cluster comprises geological and geophysical systems for targeting, modelling, survey optimization, acquisition, processing and interpretation. HPX has a highly experienced board and management team led by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Robert Friedland, Co-Chairman Ian Cockerill, a former Chief Executive Officer of Gold Fields, and President Eric Finlayson, a former head of exploration at Rio Tinto. For further information, please visit

About Cordoba Minerals

Cordoba Minerals Corp. is a Toronto-based mineral exploration company focused on the exploration and acquisition of copper and gold projects in Colombia. Cordoba has a joint venture with High Power Exploration on the highly prospective, district-scale San Matias Copper-Gold Project located close to sea level with excellent infrastructure and near operating open-pit mines in the Department of Cordoba. For further information, please visit


Mario Stifano, President and CEO

Cordoba Minerals Corp.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release includes certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking statements include predictions, projections and forecasts and are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "forecast", "expect", "potential", "project", "target", "schedule", budget" and "intend" and statements that an event or result "may", "will", "should", "could" or "might" occur or be achieved and other similar expressions and includes the negatives thereof. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding the potential of the Company's properties are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from Company's expectations include actual exploration results, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future metal prices, availability of capital and financing on acceptable terms, general economic, market or business conditions, uninsured risks, regulatory changes, delays or inability to receive required approvals, and other exploration or other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause such actions, events or results to differ materially from those anticipated. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate and accordingly readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements which speak only as of the date of this news release. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation, except to the extent required by law, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

To view Figure 1: Plan view of Alacran geological model showing generally west-dipping lithostratigraphy, with mafic to intermediate volcanics & volcaniclastics in the east and footwall to the main copper-gold mineralised zones hosted mainly by avolcaniclastic -epiclastic sequence that is intruded by intermediate sills and also larger dioritic bodies in the west and north. Mineralization also locally overprints the intrusions, please visit:

To view Figure 2: Plan view of copper-gold mineralization "grade" shells, drill-hole traces and conceptual Whittle pit shell, please visit:

To view Figure 3: 3D view (towards north-east) of west-dipping "grade" shells under Lidar topography, draped by surface imagery, please visit:

To view Figure 4: Copper-gold mineral resources in the Inferred category and unclassified mineralized material in relation to a conceptual Whittle pit shell and drill-hole traces, 3D view towards northeast, please visit:

To view Figure 5: Section 855740mN showing drilling results and the broad width of Inferred mineral resource copper grades within a conceptual pit. Copper-gold mineralization may extend to depth below the resource blocks and also below the conceptual pit, please visit:

To view Figure 6: Section 855720mN showing drilling results and the broad width of Inferred mineral resource copper grades within a conceptual pit. Copper-gold mineralization may extend to depth below the resource blocks and also below the conceptual pit. Figure 4 & Figure 5 may be compared to give an impression of the north-south continuity of mineralization, please visit:

Table 3: Table of intercepts for Cordoba drill holes contained within this Mineral Resource estimate

                  From   To Interval   %                              %CuEq
 HoleID            (m)  (m)    (m)    CuEq           Summary          Cutoff
                                             15m @ 0.25% Cu + 0.15g/t
 ACD001            53    68    15     0.37        Au (from 53m)       0.30%
                                             15m @ 0.58% Cu + 0.02g/t
                   76    91    15     0.59        Au (from 76m)       0.30%
                                             20m @ 0.33% Cu + 0.09g/t
                   101  121    20     0.40        Au (from 101m)      0.30%
                                            120m @ 0.87% Cu + 0.35g/t
                   128  248    120    1.14        Au (from 128m)      0.30%
                                             13m @ 1.4% Cu + 0.74g/t
        including  143  156    13     1.97        Au (from 143m)      1.00%
                                             3m @ 3.25% Cu + 1.26g/t
           and     153  156     3     4.21        Au (from 153m)      2.00%
                                             49m @ 1.23% Cu + 0.41g/t
           and     163  212    49     1.54        Au (from 163m)      1.00%
                                             5m @ 3.29% Cu + 0.78g/t
           and     170  175     5     3.88        Au (from 170m)      2.00%
                                             5m @ 2.06% Cu + 0.48g/t
           and     179  184     5     2.43        Au (from 179m)      2.00%
                                            9m @ 0.77% Cu + 0.3g/t Au
           and     225  234     9     1.00         (from 225m)        1.00%
                                             8m @ 0.48% Cu + 0.07g/t
                   264  272     8     0.53        Au (from 264m)      0.30%
                                            120m @ 0.56% Cu + 0.26g/t
 ACD002            107  227    120    0.76        Au (from 107m)      0.30%
                                             19m @ 1.92% Cu + 0.62g/t
        including  158  177    19     2.39        Au (from 158m)      1.00%
                                             10m @ 2.72% Cu + 0.85g/t
           and     166  176    10     3.36        Au (from 166m)      2.00%
                                             13m @ 0.42% Cu + 0.06g/t
                   249  262    13     0.46        Au (from 249m)      0.30%
                                             15m @ 0.65% Cu + 0.29g/t
 ACD003            98   113    15     0.87        Au (from 98m)       0.30%
                                             63m @ 0.37% Cu + 0.14g/t
                   130  193    63     0.47        Au (from 130m)      0.30%
                                             50m @ 0.53% Cu + 0.12g/t
 ACD004            42    92    50     0.62        Au (from 42m)       0.30%
                                             5m @ 1.84% Cu + 0.32g/t
        including  69    74     5     2.08        Au (from 69m)       1.00%
                                             4m @ 0.94% Cu + 0.35g/t
           and     85    89     4     1.20        Au (from 85m)       1.00%
                                             96m @ 0.61% Cu + 0.19g/t
                   101  197    96     0.75        Au (from 101m)      0.30%
                                            5m @ 1.06% Cu + 0.2g/t Au
        including  122  127     5     1.21         (from 122m)        1.00%
                                             7m @ 1.54% Cu + 0.54g/t
           and     138  145     7     1.95        Au (from 138m)      1.00%
                                             3m @ 2.19% Cu + 0.71g/t
           and     141  144     3     2.73        Au (from 141m)      2.00%
                                             6m @ 0.93% Cu + 0.35g/t
           and     184  190     6     1.19        Au (from 184m)      1.00%
                                             11m @ 0.55% Cu + 0.21g/t
                   204  215    11     0.71        Au (from 204m)      0.30%
                                             57m @ 1.52% Cu + 0.68g/t
 ACD005             7    64    57     2.04         Au (from 7m)       0.30%
                                            2m @ 1.96% Cu + 4.7g/t Au
        including  19    21     2     5.52          (from 19m)        2.00%
                                             12m @ 5.81% Cu + 1.77g/t
           and     33    45    12     7.15        Au (from 33m)       1.00%
                                             8m @ 8.57% Cu + 2.51g/t
           and     33    41     8    10.47        Au (from 33m)       2.00%
                                                80.5m @ 0.54% Cu +
 ACD006             0   80.5  80.5    0.74     0.26g/t Au (from 0m)   0.30%
                                             7m @ 0.54% Cu + 0.73g/t
        including  20    27     7     1.09        Au (from 20m)       1.00%
                                            4m @ 0.89% Cu + 0.3g/t Au
           and     31    35     4     1.12          (from 31m)        1.00%
                                            25.5m @ 0.86% Cu + 0.4g/t
           and     55   80.5  25.5    1.17        Au (from 55m)       1.00%
                                             2m @ 2.14% Cu + 0.76g/t
           and     74    76     2     2.72        Au (from 74m)       2.00%
                                            107m @ 0.95% Cu + 0.34g/t
ACD006A             2   109    107    1.21         Au (from 2m)       0.30%
                                             19m @ 1.62% Cu + 0.45g/t
        including  19    38    19     1.96        Au (from 19m)       1.00%
                                             8m @ 2.38% Cu + 0.67g/t
           and     26    34     8     2.89        Au (from 26m)       2.00%
                                             28m @ 1% Cu + 0.32g/t Au
           and     45    73    28     1.24          (from 45m)        1.00%
                                             3m @ 1.83% Cu + 0.38g/t
           and     56    59     3     2.12        Au (from 56m)       2.00%
                                            7m @ 1.85% Cu + 0.8g/t Au
           and     79    86     7     2.46          (from 79m)        1.00%
                                            7m @ 1.85% Cu + 0.8g/t Au
           and     79    86     7     2.46          (from 79m)        2.00%
                                             14m @ 0.98% Cu + 0.5g/t
           and     94   108    14     1.36        Au (from 94m)       1.00%
                                             15m @ 0.1% Cu + 0.29g/t
 ACD007             2    17    15     0.32         Au (from 2m)       0.30%
                                             80m @ 0.49% Cu + 0.53g/t
                   24   104    80     0.90        Au (from 24m)       0.30%
                                             4m @ 0.97% Cu + 0.49g/t
        including  38    42     4     1.35        Au (from 38m)       1.00%
                                             10m @ 0.98% Cu + 3.11g/t
           and     81    91    10     3.34        Au (from 81m)       1.00%
                                             3m @ 1.98% Cu + 7.26g/t
           and     81    84     3     7.48        Au (from 81m)       2.00%
                                             11m @ 0.31% Cu + 0.02g/t
                   118  129    11     0.32        Au (from 118m)      0.30%
                                             52m @ 0.69% Cu + 0.25g/t
                   141  193    52     0.88        Au (from 141m)      0.30%
                                             14m @ 0.92% Cu + 0.15g/t
        including  153  167    14     1.04        Au (from 153m)      1.00%
                                             8m @ 1.34% Cu + 0.97g/t
           and     179  187     8     2.08        Au (from 179m)      1.00%
                                             3m @ 1.47% Cu + 1.69g/t
           and     182  185     3     2.75        Au (from 182m)      2.00%
                                             7m @ 0.34% Cu + 0.45g/t
                   263  270     7     0.68        Au (from 263m)      0.30%
                                             74m @ 0.58% Cu + 0.23g/t
 ACD008            31   105    74     0.75        Au (from 31m)       0.30%
                                             8m @ 0.99% Cu + 0.02g/t
        including  31    39     8     1.01        Au (from 31m)       1.00%
                                             14m @ 1.58% Cu + 0.7g/t
           and     87   101    14     2.12        Au (from 87m)       1.00%
                                             4m @ 3.83% Cu + 1.15g/t
           and     95    99     4     4.70        Au (from 95m)       2.00%
                                             27m @ 0.6% Cu + 0.35g/t
                   113  140    27     0.86        Au (from 113m)      0.30%
                                             4m @ 1.17% Cu + 0.41g/t
        including  134  138     4     1.48        Au (from 134m)      1.00%
                                             15m @ 0.78% Cu + 0.21g/t
                   187  202    15     0.94        Au (from 187m)      0.30%
                                             9m @ 0.93% Cu + 0.26g/t
        including  189  198     9     1.13        Au (from 189m)      1.00%
                                            107m @ 0.57% Cu + 0.53g/t
 ACD009            12   119    107    0.97        Au (from 12m)       0.30%
                                             7m @ 1.06% Cu + 0.16g/t
        including  43    50     7     1.19        Au (from 43m)       1.00%
                                             7m @ 0.69% Cu + 6.08g/t
           and     59    66     7     5.30        Au (from 59m)       1.00%
                                             3m @ 0.64% Cu + 14.02g/t
           and     59    62     3    11.27        Au (from 59m)       2.00%
                                             7m @ 1.84% Cu + 0.67g/t
           and     83    90     7     2.36        Au (from 83m)       1.00%
                                             6m @ 1.98% Cu + 0.72g/t
           and     83    89     6     2.53        Au (from 83m)       2.00%
                                             11m @ 1.26% Cu + 0.38g/t
           and     97   108    11     1.55        Au (from 97m)       1.00%
                                             3m @ 1.8% Cu + 0.7g/t Au
           and     101  104     3     2.33         (from 101m)        2.00%
                                             35m @ 1.39% Cu + 0.45g/t
                   146  181    35     1.74        Au (from 146m)      0.30%
                                             17m @ 2.26% Cu + 0.74g/t
        including  148  165    17     2.83        Au (from 148m)      1.00%
                                             6m @ 3.88% Cu + 1.35g/t
           and     158  164     6     4.90        Au (from 158m)      2.00%
                                             29m @ 0.22% Cu + 0.38g/t
 ACD010             2    31    29     0.50         Au (from 2m)       0.30%
                                             26m @ 0.63% Cu + 0.33g/t
                   38    64    26     0.88        Au (from 38m)       0.30%
                                             10m @ 0.53% Cu + 0.71g/t
        including  38    48    10     1.07        Au (from 38m)       1.00%
                                             4m @ 1.59% Cu + 0.08g/t
                   60    64     4     1.65        Au (from 60m)       1.00%
                                             19m @ 1.31% Cu + 0.05g/t
                   77    96    19     1.35        Au (from 77m)       0.30%
                                             14m @ 1.67% Cu + 0.06g/t
        including  77    91    14     1.72        Au (from 77m)       1.00%
                                             5m @ 1.96% Cu + 0.13g/t
        including  78    83     5     2.06        Au (from 78m)       2.00%
                                             21m @ 0.4% Cu + 0.11g/t
                   103  124    21     0.48        Au (from 103m)      0.30%
                                             36m @ 0.78% Cu + 0.22g/t
                   142  178    36     0.95        Au (from 142m)      0.30%
                                             9m @ 1.67% Cu + 0.52g/t
        including  151  160     9     2.06        Au (from 151m)      1.00%
                                            7m @ 1.8% Cu + 0.59g/t Au
           and     152  159     7     2.25         (from 152m)        2.00%
                                             12m @ 0.28% Cu + 0.03g/t
                   206  218    12     0.30        Au (from 206m)      0.30%
                                             95m @ 0.51% Cu + 0.09g/t
 ACD012             3    98    95     0.58         Au (from 3m)       0.30%
                                             15m @ 1.08% Cu + 0.08g/t
        including  13    28    15     1.15        Au (from 13m)       1.00%
                                             82m @ 0.71% Cu + 0.34g/t
                   111  193    82     0.97        Au (from 111m)      0.30%
                                             16m @ 0.76% Cu + 0.61g/t
        including  138  154    16     1.22        Au (from 138m)      1.00%
                                             4m @ 1% Cu + 1.52g/t Au
           and     150  154     4     2.15         (from 150m)        2.00%
                                             25m @ 1.21% Cu + 0.41g/t
           and     162  187    25     1.52        Au (from 162m)      1.00%
                                             3m @ 1.91% Cu + 0.75g/t
           and     164  167     3     2.47        Au (from 164m)      2.00%
                                             3m @ 1.77% Cu + 0.65g/t
           and     178  181     3     2.27        Au (from 178m)      2.00%
                                             18m @ 0.25% Cu + 0.1g/t
                   217  235    18     0.32        Au (from 217m)      0.30%
                                             77m @ 0.72% Cu + 0.15g/t
 ACD013             1    78    77     0.84         Au (from 1m)       0.30%
                                             12m @ 1.97% Cu + 0.47g/t
        including  24    36    12     2.33        Au (from 24m)       1.00%
                                             6m @ 3.21% Cu + 0.88g/t
           and     29    35     6     3.88        Au (from 29m)       2.00%
                                             10m @ 0.4% Cu + 0.15g/t
                   123  133    10     0.52        Au (from 123m)      0.30%
                                             17m @ 0.68% Cu + 0.12g/t
                   143  160    17     0.78        Au (from 143m)      0.30%
                                             4m @ 1.32% Cu + 0.34g/t
        including  146  150     4     1.57        Au (from 146m)      1.00%
                                             6m @ 0.23% Cu + 0.25g/t
 ACD014             1    7      6     0.41         Au (from 1m)       0.30%
                                             52m @ 0.93% Cu + 0.5g/t
                   39    91    52     1.31        Au (from 39m)       0.30%
                                             26m @ 1.38% Cu + 0.6g/t
        including  47    73    26     1.84        Au (from 47m)       1.00%
                                            6m @ 1.9% Cu + 0.85g/t Au
           and     51    57     6     2.55          (from 51m)        2.00%
                                             7m @ 1.65% Cu + 0.83g/t
           and     60    67     7     2.28        Au (from 60m)       2.00%
                                             4m @ 0.92% Cu + 1.83g/t
           and     87    91     4     2.31        Au (from 87m)       1.00%
                                             11m @ 0.06% Cu + 0.38g/t
                   99   110    11     0.35        Au (from 99m)       0.30%
                                             21m @ 0.69% Cu + 0.08g/t
 ACD015             3    24    21     0.76         Au (from 3m)       0.30%
                                             5m @ 1.01% Cu + 0.27g/t
        including   7    12     5     1.22         Au (from 7m)       1.00%
                                             6m @ 0.29% Cu + 0.02g/t
                   38    44     6     0.31        Au (from 38m)       0.30%
                                            6m @ 0.22% Cu + 0.3g/t Au
                   64    70     6     0.44          (from 64m)        0.30%
                                             24m @ 0.35% Cu + 0.16g/t
 ACD016             0    24    24     0.48         Au (from 0m)       0.30%
                                             15m @ 0.21% Cu + 0.12g/t
                   50    65    15     0.31        Au (from 50m)       0.30%
                                             14m @ 0.06% Cu + 0.33g/t
                   87   101    14     0.30        Au (from 87m)       0.30%
                                             7m @ 0.24% Cu + 0.34g/t
                   128  135     7     0.50        Au (from 128m)      0.30%
                                             25m @ 0.31% Cu + 0.12g/t
 ACD017             1    26    25     0.40         Au (from 1m)       0.30%
                                             27m @ 0.28% Cu + 0.06g/t
                   34    61    27     0.33        Au (from 34m)       0.30%
                                             37m @ 0.35% Cu + 0.11g/t
                   84   121    37     0.43        Au (from 84m)       0.30%
                                             6m @ 0.28% Cu + 0.08g/t
 ACD018             8    14     6     0.35         Au (from 8m)       0.30%
                                             49m @ 0.61% Cu + 0.23g/t
                   24    73    49     0.79        Au (from 24m)       0.30%
                                             21m @ 0.99% Cu + 0.42g/t
        including  39    60    21     1.31        Au (from 39m)       1.00%
                                            4m @ 2.17% Cu + 0.5g/t Au
           and     45    49     4     2.55          (from 45m)        2.00%
                                            7m @ 0.33% Cu + 0.3g/t Au
                   102  109     7     0.56         (from 102m)        0.30%
                                             54m @ 0.57% Cu + 0.37g/t
                   128  182    54     0.85        Au (from 128m)      0.30%
                                             4m @ 0.78% Cu + 0.82g/t
        including  153  157     4     1.40        Au (from 153m)      1.00%
                                             7m @ 1.21% Cu + 0.46g/t
           and     165  172     7     1.56        Au (from 165m)      1.00%
                                             2m @ 2.44% Cu + 0.61g/t
           and     167  169     2     2.90        Au (from 167m)      2.00%
                                             6m @ 1.78% Cu + 0.35g/t
                   212  218     6     2.05        Au (from 212m)      0.30%
                                             3m @ 2.86% Cu + 0.64g/t
                   212  215     3     3.35        Au (from 212m)      2.00%
                                             15m @ 0.72% Cu + 0.06g/t
 ACD019            70    85    15     0.77        Au (from 70m)       0.30%
                                             4m @ 1.06% Cu + 0.11g/t
        including  72    76     4     1.14        Au (from 72m)       1.00%
                                            8m @ 0.9% Cu + 0.03g/t Au
                   101  109     8     0.92         (from 101m)        0.30%
                                             4m @ 1.05% Cu + 0.03g/t
        including  102  106     4     1.07        Au (from 102m)      1.00%
                                             8m @ 0.36% Cu + 0.04g/t
                   123  131     8     0.40        Au (from 123m)      0.30%
                                             6m @ 0.21% Cu + 0.25g/t
 ACD020             1    7      6     0.40         Au (from 1m)       0.30%
                                             13m @ 0.29% Cu + 0.11g/t
 ACD021             0    13    13     0.38         Au (from 0m)       0.30%
                                             22m @ 1.36% Cu + 0.67g/t
                   24    46    22     1.86        Au (from 24m)       0.30%
                                             9m @ 2.73% Cu + 1.38g/t
        including  26    35     9     3.77        Au (from 26m)       1.00%
                                             6m @ 3.67% Cu + 1.99g/t
           and     26    32     6     5.18        Au (from 26m)       2.00%
                                             29m @ 0.73% Cu + 0.18g/t
 ACD022            25    54    29     0.87        Au (from 25m)       0.30%
                                             5m @ 1.13% Cu + 0.27g/t
        including  25    30     5     1.33        Au (from 25m)       1.00%
                                             63m @ 0.63% Cu + 0.19g/t
                   70   133    63     0.77        Au (from 70m)       0.30%
                                             6m @ 1.09% Cu + 0.25g/t
        including  84    90     6     1.28        Au (from 84m)       1.00%
                                             27m @ 0.86% Cu + 0.3g/t
           and     97   124    27     1.09        Au (from 97m)       1.00%
                                             46m @ 0.55% Cu + 0.19g/t
                   142  188    46     0.69        Au (from 142m)      0.30%
                                             6m @ 0.86% Cu + 0.25g/t
        including  182  188     6     1.05        Au (from 182m)      1.00%
                                             16m @ 0.62% Cu + 0.05g/t
                   199  215    16     0.66        Au (from 199m)      0.30%

Table 4: Coordinates for Cordoba drill holes used in this Mineral Resource estimate

  HoleID   East (ii)  North (ii) RL (ii)  Final Depth  Azimuth   Dip   Type
  ACD001     418914     855761     210        280         85     -52    DD
  ACD002     418910     855812     218       306.2        90     -57    DD
  ACD003     418951     855863     212       290.7        90     -68    DD
  ACD004     418972     855759     228        323         85     -51    DD
  ACD005     419063     855914     255        240         90     -50    DD
  ACD006     419060     855870     248       80.5         90     -60    DD
  ACD006A    419074     855867     250        301         90     -60    DD
  ACD007     418975     855719     226       307.8        85     -46    DD
  ACD008     418957     855669     224        300         90     -51    DD
  ACD008A    418961     855666     224       56.4         90     -50    DD
  ACD009     419029     855758     227       283.5        85     -53    DD
  ACD010     419029     855714     234        308         85     -54    DD
  ACD011     419064     855957     258       442.3        85     -58    DD
  ACD012     418932     855721     206       304.6        85     -49    DD
  ACD013     419089     855783     209        315         88     -52    DD
  ACD014     419180     855783     188       313.2        88     -56    DD
  ACD015     419342     855782     179        358         88     -56    DD
  ACD016     419156     855051     227       314.3        88     -56    DD
  ACD017     419306     855065     198       315.9        88     -57    DD
  ACD018     419125     855247     205       302.2        88     -55    DD
  ACD019     419277     855251     168        300         88     -55    DD
  ACD020     419455     855249     153       279.2        88     -55    DD
  ACD021     419224     855782     189       130.9        88     -54    DD
  ACD022     419017     855803     226       313.5        88     -55    DD
(ii) WGS84 UTM

Cordoba Minerals Corp.

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