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BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L: Luiss University enters the Web3 and launches the "Curriculum On Chain"

An innovative certification that guarantees the security and traceability of university degrees and achievements.

Luiss is at the forefront among Italian and European universities in technological innovation. This is thanks to the "Curriculum on Chain" project, the new initiative that will allow all students at the university to authenticate their academic journey securely and traceably.

Using blockchain technology, all certificates, diplomas, and recognitions obtained during their studies will be certified, digitised, and stored as tokens in a digital "wallet." In addition to ensuring secure storage, the branded NFT Wallet keeps academic titles up-to-date, easily accessible, and immediately verifiable.

«The entry of Luiss into Web3 demonstrates our ongoing commitment to innovation and digital transformation. This further step forward not only enhances our students' learning experience but also redefines standards in terms of accessibility and security, realising our vision of a cutting-edge educational environment where technology becomes an ally to explore new frontiers of knowledge and shape future professionals», said Giovanni Lo Storto, General Manager of Luiss University.

Luiss's pioneering approach in the world of blockchain technology for academic degrees represents significant progress, not only for the institution but for the entire academic and educational sector.

The advantages brought by "Curriculum on Chain" are manifold. Firstly, security: blockchain technology is one of the most secure systems globally for transferring information and reducing the risk of fraud or manipulation because data is encrypted and distributed across a decentralised network of computers. Secondly, authenticity, as the information contained in one's Wallet is a reliable and unalterable testament to their academic career. Finally, and of primary importance today, competitiveness: verifiable degrees and qualifications provide greater assurance to companies and institutions during interviews, even abroad.

The "Curriculum on Chain" project includes an initial Proof of Concept (PoC) containing a subset of functionalities with the creation of a web application developed using the React framework. This application will allow users to establish their digital identity on the blockchain by creating a non-custodial wallet. The wallet creation process is designed to be simple, intuitive, and fast, specifically tailored to make the application accessible even to inexperienced users.

Additionally, there will be a mechanism for wallet recovery executed by the university itself, ensuring that users can regain access to their certificates and academic history in case of the loss of cryptographic keys. The blockchain wallet associated with the platform's user can receive both digital collectables (such as a commemorative NFT token) and other digital assets.

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