DO & CO: Catering company DO & CO benefited from increased demand in all divisions (Airline, Events, Restaurants) and, with sales of € 880.11m (PY: € 667.16m) achieved the strongest half year in terms of revenue in the Company's history. This constitutes an increase in revenue of 31.9% or € 212.95m as compared to the same period of the previous year. The EBITDA of the DO & CO Group was € 95.85m (PY: € 67.48m) in the first half year of the business year 2023/2024. The net result more than doubled from 14.04m in the previous year to € 35.48m. All business divisions are experiencing continued high demand, the company stated in its outlook, and emphasizes: "Due to strategic investments as well as passionate employees exceptionally committed to ...Den vollständigen Artikel lesen ...
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