With its robust financial position and ambitious objectives, Catena has the prerequisites for further growth and development.
25 April 2024 3.00 p.m CEST
- Rental income rose by 11 percent to SEK 493 million (446).
- Net operating surplus increased by 10 percent to SEK 394 million (359).
- Profit from property management rose by 3 percent to SEK 285 million (278).
- Profit from property management per share is SEK 5.58 (5.58).
- The change in value of properties was SEK -199 million (-710).
- Profit for the period rose to SEK 120 million (-444), corresponding to an earnings per share of SEK 2.35 (-8.90).Long-term net asset value, EPRA NRV per share, rose to SEK 398.75 (362.73).
- A total of 44 percent of our lettable area is environmentally certified, corresponding to 1,040,000 m².
Catena's CEO Jörgen Eriksson comments on the interim report:
"During the quarter, we issued a directed share issue that raised approximately SEK 2.1 billion. There was considerable interest in sharing our journey of growth, which led to the lowest discount level among new share issues for European real estate companies in the past two years - a confirmation that Catena's operations and strategy are indeed greatly appreciated."
"As an employer, growth imposes demands on us and we work hard to ensure that both our new and seasoned colleagues will find that Catena exceeds their expectations. This is an approach that further drives what we are already known for - our willingness to assume responsibility over time and our genuine commitment to what we do."
At 9.00 a.m. on April 26, the webcast will commence for the interim report for January - March 2024. Follow the webcast via this link: https://financialhearings.com/event/47101
For further information, please contact
Jörgen Eriksson, CEO, Tel. + 46 730-70 22 42, jorgen.eriksson@catena.se
Sofie Bennsten Deputy CEO and CFO, Tel. + 46 730-70 22 41 sofie.bennsten@catena.se
Follow us: catena.se / LinkedIn
This information is such that Catena AB (publ) is obliged to publish under the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was provided by the contact persons mentioned in this press release, for publication at the time stated above.
Catena is a listed property company that sustainably and through collaboration develops and durably manages efficient logistics facilities. Its strategically located properties supply the Scandinavian metropolitan areas and are adapted for both current and future goods flows. The overarching objective is to generate strong cash flow from operating activities to enable sustainable growth and stable returns. As of 31 March 2024, the properties had a total value of SEK 32,550 million. Catena's shares are traded on NASDAQ Stockholm, Large Cap.