Nasdaq Stockholm AB has assessed that Byggmästare Anders J Ahlström Holding AB (publ), company registration number 556943-7774, fulfills Nasdaq Stockholm's listing requirements. Provided that Byggmästare Anders J Ahlström Holding AB (publ) applies for admission to trading of its B-shares on Nasdaq Stockholm, that the prospectus is approved by the SFSA, that the liquidity requirements are met, first day of trading is expected to June 19, 2024. The B-shares are currently traded on First North Growth Market. As per today's date the company has a total of 7,287,260 shares of which 700,003 A-shares and 6,587,257 B-shares. Short Name: AJA B ---------------------------------------------------------- ISIN Code: SE0006510491 ---------------------------------------------------------- Order book id: 105147 ---------------------------------------------------------- Number of B-shares to be listed: 6,587,257 ---------------------------------------------------------- Clearing: CCP Cleared ---------------------------------------------------------- Segment: Mid Cap ---------------------------------------------------------- Market segment: STO Equities CCP/182 ---------------------------------------------------------- Tick Size Table: MiFID II tick size table ---------------------------------------------------------- MIC: XSTO ---------------------------------------------------------- ICB Classification: Industry code: 50 Industrials ----------------------------------------------------- Supersector code: 5020 Industrial Goods and Services ----------------------------------------------------- For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Listing Qualifications, telephone +46 8 405 72 80 or iss@nasdaq.com.
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