Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen A/S
Charlottenlund, August 19, 2024
Announcement no. 262
Publication of preliminary half year result - Timing of half year report - Intention to initiate capital raise
German High Street Properties A/S has become aware that as part of preparations for the release of the company's half-year report 2024, a preliminary, unapproved draft of the report has unintentionally been made available via a public website. Consequently, the company has decided to move forward the approval and publication of the final half-year report for 2024 to 20 august 2024.
Further, the company hereby announces its preliminary key financial figures for the first half year of 2024, which are consistent with the company's expectations:
- For the period from January 1 to June 30, 2024, the estimated result before value adjustments and taxes is a profit of T.EUR 49.0 in total, and after value adjustments and taxes, a loss of T.EUR -1,436.0 in total for the period.
- As of June 30, 2024, total assets are estimated at EUR 96.3 million, compared to EUR 105.1 million in the same period from January 1 to June 30, 2023.
- The year's cash flows from operating activities after interest and taxes paid, from January 1 to June 30, 2024, amounted to T.EUR 565.0, compared to T.EUR 51.0 in the same period in 2023.
- Due to market conditions, the company have resolved to cancel the sale of the property Schillerstrasse 4 (Frankfurt am Main).
The company's financial expectations for 2024 are unchanged. Final numbers will be included in the half-year report 2024 to be published on 20 August 2024.
Finally, the company can announce that to strengthen the company's capital base and increase the company's liquidity reserves, the company intends to initiate in Q3 of 2024 a capital raise of up to approx. EUR 8.0 million with pre-emptive subscription rights for existing shareholders. The company's largest shareholder, Kartago Group, is expected to guarantee approx. EUR 4.2 million of the capital raise on customary terms and conditions. The company will make further announcement if and when a final decision is made.
Any questions can be directed to the undersigned on +45 8110 0800.
Sincerely, German High Street Properties A/S
Hans Thygesen
Chairman of the Board