Nasdaq Derivatives Markets (Nasdaq Stockholm AB and Nasdaq Clearing AB) has decided to increase the maximum number of constituents in a CBF basket that can be requested for trading and clearing. The new maximum number of constituents will be 1000 1), from currently 200. This change will go live in production environment as of September 9, 2024. For members wishing to test in EqD Test (trading) and EXT1 (clearing), the basket TBN025 and related forward contracts are currently available. The basket TBN025 has 995 constituents, both European and U.S. stocks. The related forward contracts listed in test are TBN0254U (expiry on 2024-09-23) and TBN0254X (expiry on 2024-12-23), with trading and settlement in DKK. For further information concerning this notice, members may contact their respective Nasdaq account manager or product manager Tomas Körberg, telephone +46 8 405 60 00. Nasdaq Derivatives Markets 1) = after the initial listing, the number of constituents could exceed 1000 as a result of certain corporate events, such as spin-offs. Attachment: https://cns.omxgroup.com/cds/DisclosureAttachmentServlet?messageAttachmentId=1244597
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