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Thalassa Holdings Ltd: 2024 Interim Results

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DJ Thalassa Holdings Ltd: 2024 Interim Results

Thalassa Holdings Ltd (THAL) 
Thalassa Holdings Ltd: 2024 Interim Results 
27-Sep-2024 / 07:00 GMT/BST 
Thalassa Holdings Ltd 
Thalassa Holdings Ltd 
(Reuters: THAL.L, Bloomberg: THAL:LN) 
("Thalassa" or the "Company") 
Interim Results for the period ended 30 June 2024 
The Company is pleased to announce its results for the six months ended 30 June 2024. The unaudited interim results 
have been submitted to the FCA and will shortly be available on the Company's website: 
Highlights for the 6 months ended 30 June 2024 
GROUP RESULTS 1H 2024 versus 1H 2023, unless otherwise stated (Unaudited) 
.       Profit /(loss) after tax for the year                GBP0.24m vs (GBP0.53)m 
.       Group Earnings Per Share (basic and diluted)*1           GBP0.03 vs (GBP0.07) 
.       Book value per share*2                       GBP1.19 vs GBP1.20 
.       Investment Holdings *3                       GBP8.8m vs GBP7.7m 
.       Cash                                GBP1.4m vs GBP0.6m 
       *1 based on weighted average number of shares in issue of 7,945,838 (2023: 7,945,838) 
       *2 based on actual number of shares in issue as at 30 June 2024 of 7,945,838 (2023: 7,945,838) 
       *3 including all holdings excl. cash 

Chairman's Statement

2024 Observations

-- The US Federal Reserve cut the Fed Funds Rate by 0.5% to 5.0% from 5.5%

-- First US Rate cut for 4 years

-- Dow Jones and S&P hit new highs

-- NASDAQ leads 2024 performance +20% YTD.

-- Through 7 September 2023, the tech-heavy NASDAQ Composite (CCMP) has risen 20%; Notable Mega Caps AAPL+18.87%, NVDA +138.02%, TSLA -1.84% GOOGL +16.07%, META +57.96% EBAY +44.93%, MSFT +16.66%.

-- NVDA's performance alone accounts for 20% of S&P 500 's YTD performance of +19.8%.

-- Buffett Index at an all-time high; Total US Market Value recently @ 200% of US GDP. Next stop infinity!

-- On Aug 30, 2021, the Buffett Index stood at 199.5%, shortly before falling over 30%.

-- A reversion to the Mean from current levels would indicate a possible (porbable) decline of between 30 to50% - assuming no overshoot!

-- US Household Debt at the end of Q2 2024 stood at a record USD17.8 trillion. (Source, New York Fed Aug 6,2024); +505bn from Q2 2023.

-- Over the last year, approximately 9.1% of US credit card balances and 8.0% of US auto loan balancestransitioned into delinquency. (Source, as above).

-- US Federal Debt USD35.4 trillion, 123.44% of GDP.

Holdings -

Restitution -

-- As at the time of writing I have so far covered GBP2,086,00 for the losses incurred by the Company due tothe collapse of Tappit, due wholly, in my opinion, to the incompetence of the Company's Board. I will continue tocontribute funds up to a total of GBP3m.


-- Newmark Security recently published Full Year 2024 (Yr end 30 April) results, which confirmed our view onrecovery with Revenues up +10% and EBITDA up +50%. NWT shares have also performed well since the beginning of theyear and have increased 26.67% YTD.


-- ALNA posted improved results for H1 2024 which can be found on the Company's website, as above.


-- Please refer to Anemoi website


-- Surgical Innovations Group PLC (SUN LN)

is a leading UK-based designer, manufacturer, and exporter of innovative high quality medical products primarily for use in laparoscopic and robotic minimally invasive surgery.

THAL has recently taken a 15.8% stake in SUN. In the early 90's I was the first Wall Street banker to visit Conmed (CNMD US), at the time it had a market cap. of USD30m, today its mkt cap. is USD2.3bn. The Medical Device Market (including Laparoscopy) is dominated by Medtronic plc USD31.6bn revenues, Abbott Labs USD31.3bn revenues, Dasher Corp USD29.6bn, John & Johnson USD27.4bn, as well as Siemens, Fresenius Medline, Becton Dickinson, GE Healthcare, Stryker, Philips NV, Cardinal Health, Baxter Intl., Boston Scientific all with annual revenues in excess of USD10bn.

SUN's H1 2024 results are due 30 September, and whilst our expectations are muted, we believe that the Company has exceptional leadership in place for such a small company and can and should, in due course, return to profitability.


-- Safe Group is a leader of ready-to-use solutions for the treatment of Spinal Diseases.

THAL has recently acquired a 10% stake in SAFE.


Warren Buffett is quoted as saying, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful. Now is not the time to be greedy but fearful. Berkshire Hathaway has a record amount of cash USD300bn and continues to sell holdings. The US market is experiencing peak earnings and multiples whilst Federal and Consumer debt are both at all-time highs.

Duncan Soukup


Thalassa Holdings Ltd

26 September 2024

Responsibility Statement

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: a. the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim FinancialReporting' and gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of theCompany and the undertakings included in the consolidation as a whole as required by DTR 4.2.4 R; b. the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R(indication of important events during the first six months and description of principal risks and uncertaintiesfor the remaining six months of the year); and c. the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R(disclosure of related parties' transactions and changes therein).

Cautionary statement

This Interim Management Report (IMR) has been prepared solely to provide additional information to shareholders to assess the Company's strategies and the potential for those strategies to succeed. The IMR should not be relied on by any other party or for any other purpose.

Duncan Soukup


Thalassa Holdings Ltd

26 September 2024

Financial Review

Total income from operations for the period to 30 June 2024 was GBP0.3m (1H23: GBP0.2m). Income benefited from a GBP0.2m unrealised gain on Thalassa's holding in NWT.

Cost of Sales was GBP5k (1H23: GBP15k) comprising development costs (net of capitalised costs) at ARL and direct financial holdings expenses, resulting in a Gross Profit of GBP0.3m (1H23: gross profit GBP0.2m).

Administration expenses were negative GBP0.1m, i.e. a slight income (1H23: GBP0.4m expense). This was positively impacted by the decision of the Chairman to waive all of his consultancy fees carried forward from 2022 and 2023. We should like to point out that, as in past periods, Mr Soukup's 2024 fees have been accrued, but not yet paid. Depreciation costs were GBP0.01m (1H23: GBP0.16m). This reduction was due to the surrender of the Swiss office lease by the Company's subsidiary Alfalfa.

Operating Profit improved to GBP0.3m (1H23 Loss: GBP0.4m).

Other income benefited from a GBP17k net gain on book value on the surrender of the afore mentioned lease. Until surrender, some of this property had been sublet, which covered total lease expenditure.

Profit before tax was GBP0.2m (1H23 loss: GBP0.5m).

Net assets at 30 June 2024 amounted to GBP9.5m (1H23: GBP9.6m).

Net cash (being cash balances less any financial borrowings) was GBP1.4m as at 30 June 2024 (1H23: GBP0.6m).

Current and Non-current lease liabilities became nil on the surrender of the Villa Kramerstein lease.

The reduction in other receivables and other payables was driven by the formal offsetting of most of a receivables balance from an entire payables balance to a single counterparty, ID4 AG / Apeiron AG. The payable was from Alfalfa in relation to an assets purchase from id4 AG prior to the acquisition by the Company; and the receivable is in relation to a balance owed to the Company from the former Apeiron AG.

Net cash outflow from operating activities amounted to GBP0.15m compared to GBP0.10m in 1H23.

Net cash outflow from investing activities amounted to GBP0.02m, compared to 1H23 inflow of GBP0.39m.

Net cash inflow from financing activities amounted to GBP1.45m (1H23: outflow GBP0.14m). This was driven by the Tappit restitution agreement. The Chairman contributed GBP1.5m in the 6 month period to 30 June 2024. A further GBP0.6m was contributed by the Chairman in August 2024.

Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income

For the six months ended 30 June 2024

Six months Six months Year 
                                    ended   ended   ended 
                                    30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 
                                    Unaudited Unaudited Audited 
                                  Note GBP    GBP    GBP 
Income                                 102,599  118,673  252,129 
Net gains/(losses) on investments at fair value             198,600  118,426  282,809 
Investment dividend income                       4,153   770    770 
Currency gains/(losses)                         440    -     48 
Total Income                              305,792  237,869  535,756 
Financial holdings expenses                       (4,987)  (7,958)  (15,199) 
Other cost of sales                           (312)   (7,096)  (12,926) 
Total Cost of sales                           (5,299)  (15,054)  (28,125) 
Gross Profit                              300,493  222,815  507,631 
Administrative expenses excluding exceptional costs           102,674  (429,067) (900,853) 
Operating profit/(loss) before depreciation               403,167  (206,252) (393,222) 
Depreciation and Amortisation                   4&5 (92,676)  (164,488) (256,425) 
Operating profit/(loss)                         310,491  (370,740) (649,647) 
Net financial income/(expense)                     (3,414)  (11,454)  (23,888) 
Other gains/(losses)                          16,675   -     17,734 
Share of losses of associated entities                 (82,642)  (143,962) (307,940) 
Profit/(loss) before taxation                      241,110  (526,156) (963,741) 
Taxation                                (435)   (528)   72,036 
Profit/(loss) for the year                       240,675  (526,684) (891,705) 
Attributable to: 
Equity shareholders of the parent                    240,675  (526,684) (891,705) 
Non-controlling interest                        -     -     - 
                                    240,675  (526,684) (891,705) 
Earnings per share - GBP (using weighted average number of shares) 
Basic and Diluted                         3  0.03    (0.07)   (0.11) 

The notes on pages 13 to 18 form an integral part of this consolidated interim financial information. Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the six months ended 30 June 2024

Six months Six months Year 
                             ended   ended   ended 
                             30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 
                             Unaudited Unaudited Audited 
                             GBP    GBP    GBP 
Profit/(loss) for the financial year           240,675  (526,684) (891,705) 
Other comprehensive income: 
Exchange differences on re-translating foreign operations 15,851   (83,113)  (200,015) 
Total comprehensive income                256,526  (609,797) (1,091,720) 
Attributable to: 
Equity shareholders of the parent             256,526  (609,797) (1,091,720) 
Non-Controlling interest                 -     -     - 
Total Comprehensive income                256,526  (609,797) (1,091,720) 

The notes on pages 13 to 18 form an integral part of this consolidated interim financial information.

Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 30 June 2024

As at    As at    As at 
                           30 Jun 24  30 Jun 23  31 Dec 23 
                         Note Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited 
Assets                        GBP     GBP     GBP 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                4  1,810,615  1,514,815  1,697,313 
Property, plant and equipment          5  30,369   1,838,423  1,729,924 
Loans                      7  3,305,798  4,776,479  4,785,629 
Investments in associated entities        8  1,946,174  2,199,253  2,019,367 
Total non-current assets               7,092,956  10,328,970 10,232,233 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables              311,219   714,821   788,782 
Investments at fair value through profit or loss 6  1,352,143  726,371   1,159,250 
Cash and cash equivalents               1,445,949  614,365   143,295 
Total current assets                 3,109,311  2,055,557  2,091,327 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables               739,362   1,221,922  1,539,749 
Lease liabilities                9  -      159,783   173,325 
Total current liabilities               739,362   1,381,705  1,713,074 
Net current assets                  2,369,949  673,852   378,253 
Non-current liabilities 
Lease liabilities.                9  -      1,404,237  1,404,107 
Total non-current liabilities             -      1,404,237  1,404,107 
Net assets                      9,462,905  9,598,585  9,206,379 
Shareholders' Equity 
Share capital                  11  128,977   128,977   128,977 
Share premium                     21,717,786 21,717,786 21,717,786 
Treasury shares                    (8,558,935) (8,558,935) (8,558,935) 
Other reserves                    (1,696,321) (1,696,320) (1,696,321) 
Foreign exchange reserve               4,246,691  4,258,024  4,230,840 
Retained earnings                   (6,375,293) (6,250,947) (6,615,968) 
Total shareholders' equity              9,462,905  9,598,585  9,206,379 
Total equity                     9,462,905  9,598,585  9,206,379 

The notes on pages 13 to 18 form an integral part of this consolidated interim financial information.

These financial statements were approved by the board on 26 September 2024.

Signed on behalf of the board by:

Duncan Soukup

Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the six months ended 30 June 2024

As at   As at   As at 
                               30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 
                               Unaudited Unaudited Audited 
                            Notes GBP    GBP    GBP 
Profit/(Loss) before financing from:             310,491  (370,740) (649,647) 
Adjustments for: 
Net finance costs                       (24,879) (94,190) (279,715) 
Other income                         -     -     17,734 
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables      477,563  50,481  (23,480) 
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables        (800,387) 11,112  328,938 
(Gain)/loss on disposal of portfolio investments       18    60,404  - 
Net exchange differences                   (3,108)  141,680  (65,125) 
Depreciation/Amortisation                4&5  92,676  164,488  256,425 
Fair value movement on portfolio investments         (198,843) (62,226) - 
Cash generated by operations                 (146,469) (98,991) (414,870) 
Taxation                           (435)   (528)   72,036 
Net cash flow from operating activities            (146,904) (99,519) (342,834) 
Sale/(purchase) of property, plant and equipment       100,724  (2,320)  (2,320) 
Sale/(purchase) of intangible assets          4   (117,484) (184,244) (385,983) 
Net (purchase)/sale of portfolio investments      6   (4,495)  648,613  (177,912) 
Investments in associated entities              -     (68,642) - 
Investment in subsidiaries                  -     -     29,217 
Net cash flow in investing activities             (21,255) 393,407  (536,998) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Interest Income                        619    7,731   13,437 
Interest Expense                       (1,948)  (1,522)  - 
Loans collected                        1,511,575 -     - 
Repayment of borrowings                 9   (55,284) (145,128) (173,982) 
Net cash flow from financing activities            1,454,962 (138,919) (160,545) 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents           1,286,803 154,969  (1,040,377) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the year      143,295  629,215  1,383,687 
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 15,851  (169,819) (200,015) 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year       1,445,949 614,365  143,295 

The notes on pages 13 to 18 form an integral part of this consolidated interim financial information.

Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the six months ended 30 June 2024

Share  Share   Treasury  Other    Foreign Exchange Retained 
                Capital Premium  Shares   Reserves  Reserve     Earnings  Total 
                GBP   GBP    GBP     GBP     GBP       GBP     GBP 
Balance as at          128,977 21,717,786 (8,558,935) (1,696,320) 4,430,855    (5,724,263) 10,298,100 
31 December 2022 
Foreign exchange on translation -    -     -      -      (89,718)     -      (89,718) 
Total comprehensive income   -    -     -      -      (83,113)     (526,684)  (609,797) 
Balance as at          128,977 21,717,786 (8,558,935) (1,696,320) 4,258,024    (6,250,947) 9,598,585 
30 June 2023 
Exchange on conversion to GBP  -    -     -      (1)     -        -      (1) 
Total comprehensive income   -    -     -      -      (27,184)     (365,021)  (392,205) 
Balance as at          128,977 21,717,786 (8,558,935) (1,696,321) 4,230,840    (6,615,968) 9,206,379 
31 December 2023 
Total comprehensive income   -    -     -      -      15,851      240,675   256,526 
Balance as at          128,977 21,717,786 (8,558,935) (1,696,321) 4,246,691    (6,375,293) 9,462,905 
30 June 2024 

The notes on pages 13 to 18 form an integral part of this consolidated interim financial information. Notes to the Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Information

1. General information

Thalassa Holdings Ltd (the "Company") is a British Virgin Island ("BVI") International business company ("IBC"), incorporated and registered in the BVI on 26 September 2007. The Company is a holding company with various interests across a number of industries.

Autonomous Robotics Limited ("ARL" - formerly GO Science 2013 Ltd) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Thalassa and is an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ("AUV") research and development company.

Apeiron Holdings (BVI) Ltd is a BVI registered company and is wholly owned by Thalassa. It owns 100% of Alfalfa Holdings AG which is a company registered in Switzerland.

WGP Geosolutions Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Thalassa currently non-operational.

Thalassa Holdings (II) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Thalassa which is non-operational, incorporated and registered in the BVI on 30 January 2023.

DOA Alpha Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Thalassa which is non-operational and registered in the BVI. It has two additional subsidiaries, DOA Exploration Ltd registered in England and Wales and DOA Delta Ltd registered in the BVI, both non-operational.

2. Significant Accounting policies

The Company prepares its accounts in accordance with applicable UK Adopted International Accounting Standards.

The accounting policies applied by the Company in this unaudited consolidated interim financial information are the same as those applied by the Company in its consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2023 except as detailed below.

The financial information has been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the accounting standard for financial instruments at fair value.

2.1. Basis of preparation

The condensed consolidated interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2024 has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard No. 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting'. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Company as at and for the year ended 31 December 2023. Prior year comparatives have been reclassified to conform to current year presentation.

These condensed interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2023 are unaudited and do not constitute full accounts. The comparative figures for the period ended 31 December 2023 are extracted from the 2023 audited financial statements. The independent auditor's report on the 2023 financial statements was not qualified.

All intra-company transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated in full on consolidation.

2.2. Going concern

The financial information has been prepared on the going concern basis as management consider that the Company has sufficient cash to fund its current commitments for the foreseeable future.

Notes to the Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Information Continued

3. Earnings per share

Six months Six months Year 
                         ended   ended   ended 
                         30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 
                         Unaudited Unaudited Audited 
The calculation of earnings per share is based on 
the following loss and number of shares: 
Profit/(loss) for the period           240,675  (526,684) (891,705) 
Weighted average number of shares of the Company 7,945,838 7,945,838 7,945,838 
Earnings per share: 
Basic and Diluted (GBP)              0.03    (0.07)   (0.11) 
Number of shares outstanding at the period end:  7,945,838 7,945,838 7,945,838 

4. Intangible assets

               costs    Patents Software Total 
               GBP     GBP   GBP   GBP 
At 31 December 2023 
Cost             1,512,237  180,894 25,096  1,718,227 
Accumulated amortisation   -      -    (20,914) (20,914) 
Net book amount        1,512,237  180,894 4,182  1,697,313 
Half-year ended 30 June 2024 
Opening net book amount    1,512,237  180,894 4,182  1,697,313 
               1,512,237  180,894 4,182  1,697,313 
Additions           108,636   8,848  -    117,484 
Disposals           -      -    (696)  (696) 
Amortisation charge      -      -    (3,486) (3,486) 
Closing net book amount    1,620,873  189,742 -    1,810,615 
At 30 June 2024 
Cost             1,620,873  189,742 -    1,810,615 
Accumulated amortisation   -      -    -    - 
Net book amount        1,620,873  189,742 -    1,810,615 

The intangible assets held by the Company increased as a result of capitalising the development costs of Autonomous Robotics Ltd ("ARL").

Notes to the Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Information Continued

5. Property, plant and equipment

                              Land and  and    Motor 
                        Total    buildings  Equipment Vehicles 
Cost                      GBP     GBP     GBP    GBP 
Cost at 1 January 2024             2,516,307  2,146,991  132,803  236,513 
FX movement                   (30,630)  (30,630)  -     - 
                        2,485,677  2,116,361  132,803  236,513 
Additions                    -      -      -     - 
Disposals                    (2,118,090) (2,116,361) (1,729)  - 
Cost at 30 June 2024              367,587   -      131,074  236,513 
Depreciation at 1 January 2024         786,383   462,300   130,237  193,846 
FX movement                   69,318   69,318   -     - 
                        855,701   531,618   130,237  193,846 
Charge for the year on continuing operations  89,190   74,326   642    14,222 
Disposal                    (606,188)  (604,459)  (1,729)  - 
Foreign exchange effect on year end translation (1,485)   (1,485)   -     - 
Depreciation at 30 June 2024          337,218   -      129,150  208,068 
Closing net book value at 30 June 2024     30,369   -      1,924   28,445 

6. Securities

The Company classifies the following financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL):-

Equity investments that are held for trading.

As at   As at   As at 
                           30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 
                           Unaudited Unaudited Audited 
                           GBP    GBP    GBP 
At the beginning of the period            1,159,250 504,877  504,877 
Additions                       8,700   521,167  880,004 
Unrealised gain/(losses)               198,824  179,051  283,031 
Disposals                       (4,205)  (475,713) (636,895) 
Reclassification of Motor Vehicles to Afs investments -     -     120,244 
Forex on opening balance               (10,426) (3,011)  7,989 
At period close                    1,352,143 726,371  1,159,250 

Investments have been valued incorporating Level 1 inputs in accordance with IFRS7.

Notes to the Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Information Continued

7. Loans and holdings

As at    As at   As at 
                     30 Jun 24  30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 
                     Unaudited  Unaudited Audited 
                     GBP     GBP    GBP 
Loans at period open           1,501,158  1,532,469 1,532,469 
Accrued interest - to be waived      22,794   22,186  45,239 
Forex on opening balance         8,950    (62,647) (76,550) 
Loans at period close           1,532,902  1,492,008 1,501,158 
Portfolio Holdings at 1 January      3,284,471  4,038,944 3,284,471 
Repaid                  (1,511,575) -     - 
Reclassification under portfolio holdings -      (754,473) - 
Portfolio holdings at period close    1,772,896  3,284,471 3,284,471 
Total of loans and holdings        3,305,798  4,776,479 4,785,629 

The Loan is to the THAL Discretionary Trust, the terms of the loan are set with a 0% interest rate however interest has been accrued at 3% as per IFRS requirements, it is the intention of the Company to waive this interest upon repayment of the capital.

8. Investments in associated entities

On 17 December 2021, the acquisition of id4 was complete by Anemoi International Ltd with consideration in the form of shares issued to Thalassa and its subsidiary Aperion BVI totalling 36.92% of the voting rights. The investment is recognised using the equity method as described in the financial statements for December 2022. During 2023 further shares were purchased to equal a total of 40.77% of the voting rights. The investment is recognised using the equity method.

Athenium Consultancy Ltd in which the Company owns 35% shares was incorporated on 12 October 2021.

Movement on interests in associates can be summarised as follows:

As at   As at   As at 
                        30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 
                        GBP    GBP    GBP 
Fair value of investment at beginning of period 2,019,367 2,356,526 2,356,526 
Share of losses for the period         (82,854) (143,803) (307,862) 
Additions                    -     68,642  68,642 
Exchange Variance                9,661   (82,112) (97,939) 
                        1,946,174 2,199,253 2,019,367 

There are no other entities in which the Company holds 20% or more of the equity, or otherwise exercises significant influence over the affairs of the entity.

Notes to the Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Information Continued

9. Lease liabilities

As at   As at   As at 
             30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 
             Unaudited Unaudited Audited 
Non-current liabilities GBP    GBP    GBP 
Lease liabilities    -     1,404,237 1,404,107 
             -     1,404,237 1,404,107 
Current liabilities 
Lease liabilities    -     159,783  173,325 
             -     159,783  173,325 

The lease liabilities comprise of amounts owed in relation to office leases held by ARL and Alfalfa Holdings AG. The lease held by ARL was surrendered June 2024. The lease held by Alfalfa Holdings AG was entered in to in Feb 2021 and surrendered Apr 2024.

10. Related party balances and transactions

Under the consultancy and administrative services agreement initially entered into on 3 January 2011 and most recently updated 1 February 2018 with a company in which the Chairman has a beneficial interest, the Company waived GBP535,295 related to 2022 & 2023 and accrued GBP133,100 (1H23 accrued: GBP130,362) for consultancy and administrative services provided to the Company. As at 30 June 2024 the amount owed to this company was GBP251,690 (1H23: GBP524,868).

Athenium Consultancy Ltd, a company in which the Company owns shares invoiced the Company for financial and corporate administration services totalling GBP90,750 for the period (June 2023: GBP90,750).

The Company was due GBP13,149 (June 2023: GBP9,372) from Anemoi International Ltd, a company in which through its subsidiary Apeiron Holdings BVI holds shares and is related by common control through the Chairman, Duncan Soukup.

As at the period end the Company was due GBP44,380 (June 2023: GBP49,887) from Alina Holdings Limited, a company under common directorship.

Notes to the Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Information Continued

11. Share capital

As at   As at   As at 
                         30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 
                         Unaudited Unaudited Audited 
                         GBP    GBP    GBP 
Authorised share capital: 
100,000,000 ordinary shares of USD0.01 each    1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 
Exchange Rate for Conversion           1.61674  1.61674  1.61674 
100,000,000 ordinary shares of USD0.01 each in GBP 618,529  618,529  618,529 
Allotted, issued and fully paid: 
20,852,359 ordinary shares of USD0.01 each     208,522  208,522  208,522 
Average Exchange Rate for Conversion       1.61674  1.61674  1.61674 
20,852,359 ordinary shares of USD0.01 each in GBP 128,977  128,977  128,977 

The exchange rate used for conversion is the aggregate rate for the transactions as they occurred.

12. Subsequent events

There were no reportable subsequent events.

13. Copies of the Interim Report

The interim report is available on the Company's website:


For further information, please contact:

Thalassa Holdings Ltd 

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ISIN:      VGG878801114 
Category Code: IR 
TIDM:      THAL 
LEI Code:    2138002739WFQPLBEQ42 
OAM Categories: 1.2. Half yearly financial reports and audit reports/limited reviews 
Sequence No.:  349410 
EQS News ID:  1996719 
End of Announcement EQS News Service 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 27, 2024 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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