Dr. Paula Mabee, Observatory Director and Chief Scientist for the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), spoke Wednesday at the G7 Italia and Group of Senior Officials (GSO) Science Technology Conference on Large Research Infrastructures. NEON is a continental-scale, long-term ecological data collection network funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and managed by Battelle.
The conference, co-organized by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR) with the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), was held October 28-30, 2024 in Nuoro, Sardinia. It was convened to investigate the critical role that Large Research Infrastructures (LRIs) play in advancing scientific knowledge, as well as their economic, social, and geopolitical implications, with a focus on G7 member countries. Discussion topics were based on a report commissioned by the Italian Presidency to The European House Ambrosetti in April. The opening session was streamed by the MUR.
Representing NEON, Battelle, the NSF, and the United States, Mabee joined a panel on LRIs and their role in global diplomacy and scientific collaboration. She showcased NEON's highly standardized, interoperable, continental-scale data and its efforts to work in tandem with similar LRIs internationally as part of the GERI network. Later, she participated in a roundtable to discuss the challenges and complexities of managing LRIs.
Mabee, NEON Observatory Director and Chief Scientist since 2020, was invited by the NSF to attend the conference to represent the NSF's only LRI focused on biological sciences. Also attending from the United States were Dr. Harriet Kung of the Department of Energy, Dr. Ann Schwartz from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Dr. Linnea Avalone of the NSF.
Battelle's management of the NEON Program for the NSF is just part of a long history of managing large-scale science projects for the U.S. government. Battelle has decades of experience in research infrastructure, and is a global leader in managing the complexities of scientific infrastructure, leveraging government logistics expertise to provide large federal program management and government business systems with the resources they need to operate and innovate effectively.
About Battelle
Every day, the people of Battelle apply science and technology to solving what matters most. At major technology centers and national laboratories around the world, Battelle conducts research and development, designs and manufactures products, and delivers critical services for government and commercial customers. Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio since its founding in 1929, Battelle serves the national security, health and life sciences, and energy and environmental industries. For more information, visit www.battelle.org
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Katy Delaney
(614) 424-7208