SEOUL (dpa-AFX) - Samsung has delayed the release of its most awaited folding smartphone Galaxy Fold.
The company said it will announce a release date in the coming weeks.
According to Samsung, many reviewers shared with it 'the vast potential they see, some also showed us how the device needs further improvements that could ensure the best possible user experience.'
The company decided to delay the release to fully evaluate the feedback and run further internal tests.
'Initial findings from the inspection of reported issues on the display showed that they could be associated with impact on the top and bottom exposed areas of the hinge. There was also an instance where substances found inside the device affected the display performance,' Samsung said in a press release.
'We will take measures to strengthen the display protection. We will also enhance the guidance on care and use of the display including the protective layer so that our customers get the most out of their Galaxy Fold.'
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