BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) - The discovery of a Neanderthal child's fossil showing signs of Down syndrome has sparked important debates about the existence of communal healthcare practice.
A recent study published in the journal Science Advances shed light on the collaborative and communal caregiving received by the child, who exhibited characteristics of Down syndrome and managed to survive until the age of six.
The lead author of the research, Conde-Valverde, who is an assistant professor of physical anthropology at the University of Alcala in Spain, revealed that the child faced significant health challenges including severe hearing loss, balance problems, and vertigo.
The fossil fragments, unearthed in 1989 from the Cova Negra archaeological site in Valencia, Spain, provided crucial insights into the Neanderthal child's condition, particularly evident in the congenital malformations consistent with Down syndrome found in the ear fragments. Furthermore, a CT scan of the temporal lobe fragment exposed five abnormalities associated with Down syndrome, a syndrome never before detected in a Neanderthal, as noted by Conde-Valverde in an interview with ABC News.
The child would have required substantial assistance due to her health challenges, highlighting the reliance on the altruism of those around her for survival. Unlike previously documented Neanderthal caregiving, which mainly targeted individuals capable of reciprocating help, the survival of this child was likely solely based on the altruism of the adults in her community.
This challenges the prior belief that prehistoric caregiving was limited to immediate family or those capable of reciprocation, refuting the notion that it was purely self-interested. This discovery underscores the capacity for altruism among Neanderthals and emphasizes that caregiving in ancient times was rooted in compassion rather than reciprocation, as suggested by previous archaeological findings indicating Neanderthals cared for individuals with special needs.
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