WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - According to new research, a daily sauna could help middle-aged women in preventing menopause-related weight gain.
Research team leader Soonkyu Chung, associate professor in the Department of Nutrition at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, said, 'Compared to men, women have a higher likelihood of being obese or overweight'.
'This is especially true after menopause, due to the loss of estrogen in the body'.
For the study, the researchers removed the ovaries of older female mice to stimulate post-menopausal conditions. And, to induce weight gain, they provided mice with a Western diet containing 45 percent calories from fat.
Later, one group of mice was placed in a heat chamber at 104 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes every day, while the other group was kept away from any heat treatment.
At the end of 12 weeks, mice receiving the heat treatment showed no age-related tissue damage and had improved insulin sensitivity. The therapy also helped to mitigate the weight gain from fat-rich diet.
'This series of events suggests that regular application of heat can mimic the effects of calorie burning and fat loss,' said Rong Fan, a doctoral candidate. 'It could be particularly advantageous for individuals who find physical activities challenging, providing a relaxing way to improve metabolic health.'
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