WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - The California Department of Cannabis Control has recalled some West Coast Cure cannabis products, citing the presence of chlorfenapyr, a Category I pesticide.
The impacted products are WCC CUREpen Vape Cartridge and WCC LIVE RESIN Vape Cartridge, sold after September 28, as well as three WCC CUREpen PREMIUM THC OIL Vape Cartridge products - Lemon Cooler, Birthday Cake, and Watermelon Sorbet, sold after September 8.
'The five recalled products on July 2 are at the beginning of the investigatory process, and the department cannot provide any additional information,' DCC Information Officer Moorea Warren said to Cannabis Business Times.
The National Institutes of Health describes chlorfenapyr as a chemical compound of cyanide and a pesticide derived from a class of microbially produced compounds known as halogenated pyrroles.
According to NIH, chlorfenapyr intoxication causes damage to the liver and the nervous system which deteriorates the person's health rapidly, eventually leading to death in seven to 20 days.
DCC urged customers to check whether the UID and batch numbers of their products, manufactured by Shield Management Group LLC, are similar to those of recalled products mentioned on its website.
If the information matches with the site, the agency has asked customers to dispose or return the product to the retailer for proper disposal.
Also, DCC stated, 'Beginning, July 1, 2024, cannabis vape cartridges must be properly disposed of as hazardous waste at a household hazardous waste facility or other approved facility'.
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