ROSTOCK (dpa-AFX) - Germany-headquartered turbine business Nordex SE (NRDXF) on Wednesday announced that Aquila Clean Energy has placed an order for a further delivery of 24 N163/5.X turbines in Spain. The additional turbines have a total capacity of 141.6 MW for this project.
This second order also includes a Premium Service contract with a term of 20 years.
Financial details of the transaction have not been disclosed.
In June 2024, Aquila Clean Energy had ordered 21 turbines with a combined output of 124 MW for the Baza wind farm cluster. Both parties had agreed that Aquila Clean Energy would have the option to expand the total number of turbines in the Baza cluster by up to 24 additional turbines by 31 August 2024.
After the planned commissioning in 2026, the Baza cluster, located in the southern Spanish province of Granada, would ultimately consist of 45 N163/5.X turbines with a total nominal output of over 265 MW.
From 2025, the Nordex Group would install the Delta4000 series turbines on 108-metre-high tubular steel towers.
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