CUPERTINO (dpa-AFX) - Apple has made significant changes in response to the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA). The company is now allowing third-party browsers on the iPhone that use different web engines than Safari. These changes will be rolled out in the upcoming update later this year.
One of the key changes is the modification to the browser choice screen. Even users who have previously seen the choice screen will now encounter it upon the first launching of Safari after the update.
If a user has set a browser other than Safari as their default, the choice screen will not appear. The choice screen will now be shown once per device rather than once per user. Additionally, when switching to a new device, users who previously had Safari as their default browser will need to choose a default browser again, as this specific setting will not transfer like other iOS settings, reports 9to5Mac.
The design of the browser choice screen will also be revamped. Users will be able to select their default browser by tapping directly on their choice without being directed to the App Store product page.
The browser descriptions on the choice screen will feature the app subtitle from the App Store. Users can access each browser's App Store page by tapping a chevron icon.
Furthermore, users will have to scroll through the entire list of browsers before selecting a default. If the selected browser is already installed, it will open automatically; if it is not on the device, the choice screen will display the download progress before opening.
Lastly, if Safari is in the Dock or on the Home Screen and the user selects a browser not currently installed, that browser will replace the Safari icon in the Dock or Home Screen. Moreover, developers will receive new performance data about their browsers from the choice screen via an API in App Store Connect, including selection rates and default selection information.
In addition to updates for default browser options, Apple is also enhancing default settings for other apps. These options will expand later this year to allow users to set defaults for phone calls, messaging apps, password managers, keyboards, and call spam filters.
Furthermore, in spring 2025, iOS and iPadOS will support default settings for navigation and translation apps. In another update later this year, Apple will give users the ability to remove the App Store, Messages, Camera, Photos, and Safari apps through a software update.
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