WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Recent research shared at the European Society of Cardiology highlights the link between sleep habits and heart health, particularly noting the advantages of catching up on sleep during weekends. The study indicates that individuals who extend their sleep on weekends to recover from weekday sleep loss may significantly lower their risk of heart disease by around 20%.
This research, co-authored by Yanjun Song from Fuwai Hospital in Beijing, emphasizes 'Sufficient compensatory sleep is linked to a lower risk of heart disease.'
The study analyzed data from the UK Biobank, involving 90,903 participants, and examined the relationship between weekend sleep compensation and heart disease occurrences. Out of these participants, 19,816 were identified as sleep-deprived.
During a thorough follow-up lasting 14 years, results revealed that those who maximized their additional sleep on weekends had a 19% lower chance of developing heart disease compared to those who slept the least during that time.
Additionally, the research looked closely at a subgroup of individuals facing daily sleep deprivation. It found that among those who compensated with the most sleep on weekends, the risk of heart disease was reduced by 20% compared to individuals who had limited weekend sleep.
Co-author Zechen Liu said 'Our results show that for the significant proportion of the population in modern society that suffers from sleep deprivation, those who have the most 'catch-up' sleep at weekends have significantly lower rates of heart disease than those with the least.'
While the results are encouraging, the authors recognized some limitations. Over 75% of participants reported sleeping at least seven hours each weeknight, which may affect how widely these findings can be applied. Furthermore, the reliance on self-reported sleep data raises questions about its accuracy.
Given these findings, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine stresses the importance of good sleep practices, recommending that adults strive for at least seven hours of sleep each night and maintain a regular sleep schedule.
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