WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - The Biden Administration has announced a set of additional actions to drive academic success for all students in the United States.
According to the White House, the U.S. Department of Education is awarding $149 million to support states in implementing evidence-based reading interventions, including efforts to ensure every child is reading fluently by third grade.
It is also awarding $30 million to support comprehensive assessment systems that inform teaching and support learning.
The Department of Education is issuing school improvement guidance focused on evidence-based practices to support students and educators and accelerate academic achievement.
The Institute of Education Sciences is releasing a resource for educators on instructional strategies for increasing student success in literacy and math.
To support states, districts, schools, and families in addressing chronic absenteeism and increase student engagement, the Administration is calling on Governors and state education leaders to create chronic absenteeism-related data for all schools that are actionable, help target interventions, and drive improvement.
The government is also calling on industry vendors that provide student information systems to improve the availability and utility of student attendance data.
The Departments of Education and Transportation is releasing a joint resource highlighting ways to provide safe, reliable transit options to get young people to and from school and support everyday student attendance.
The Departments of Education and Agriculture will release this month a joint resource for parents on how healthy school meals support regular attendance.
Under the 'Attendance Champions Challenge,' state and local leaders will hear directly from young people on creative solutions to address chronic absenteeism.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and external organizations are providing parents with resources on navigating whether to send kids to school when they are experiencing health symptoms.
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