WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - A recent study highlights how specific cells can, with appropriate stimulation, change into multicellular organisms with new functions after the death of their original host, or enter a 'third state' that lies beyond life and death.
Published in the journal Physiology, researchers explored the potential for utilizing cells from both living and deceased organisms in machines designed for entirely new purposes.
This phenomenon indicates a biological 'third state' that does not conform to the conventional definitions of life and death. Biologists Peter Noble and Alex Pozhitkov, co-authors of the review, emphasized that this third state challenges the traditional understanding of cellular behavior.
The researchers noted that biological robots, or biobots, can acquire new functionalities that are typically not predetermined in nature. Some biobots have a lifespan of only 60 days and decompose safely after death, yet scientists remain uncertain about how these repurposed cells sustain themselves post-mortem. They also do not fully understand the extent of the new functions these cells can develop after the organism has died.
Noble and Pozhitkov pointed out that these findings reveal the adaptability of cellular systems and question the notion that cells and organisms can only evolve in predetermined fashions. They suggested that the third state might play a crucial role in the evolution of life over time. The implications of this third state extend beyond theoretical discussions, as it opens up possibilities for innovative treatments. For instance, anthrobots may be created from an individual's living cells to administer medications without eliciting negative immune responses.
Importantly, these multicellular entities have a limited lifespan, biodegrading after four to six weeks. This built-in 'kill switch' inhibits the potential proliferation of invasive cells. A deeper understanding of how some cells remain functional and transform into multicellular structures after an organism's death could significantly contribute to advancements in personalized and preventive medicine.
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