ARLINGTON (dpa-AFX) - BAE Systems Tuesday announced that it has received a $19 million contract from the U.S. Navy to design and implement UPX-24 target data processor capabilities into a single digital interrogator Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) solution.
The upgraded IFF digital interrogator (DI) will optimize data collection and processing to provide time-critical insights and enhance decision making for the maritime fleet.
'This is a collaborative effort with our customer to bring the Navy's UPX-24 target data processor functions into our digital interrogator systems,' said Donna Linke-Klein, director of Tactical Systems at BAE Systems. 'Going from two separate hardware sets on a shipboard platform to a single consolidated solution allows for reduced obsolescence and the ability to rapidly integrate new technology. The latest design will optimize performance while providing the situational awareness our warfighters need in a variety of threat environments.'
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