WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Women who performed aerobic exercise while undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer experienced improved cognitive function and quality of life, according to a study published in the journal CANCER.
'Most people have likely experienced some form of brain fog, where thinking clearly, processing information, or staying focused feels difficult,' said lead author Jennifer Brunet.
'This is often amplified in women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer, with research showing that around 75 percent experience brain fog symptoms such as confusion, forgetfulness, slow thinking, and trouble focusing or concentrating.'
The Aerobic exercise and CogniTIVe functioning in women with breAsT cancEr trial involved 57 women from Ottawa and Vancouver, Canada, diagnosed with stage I-III breast cancer.
They all participated in 12 to 24 weeks of aerobic exercise. Of this, 28 participants started the exercise program during the same time as initiating chemotherapy, while the remaining started the exercise program after completing chemo.
At the end of the study, researchers noted that women who started their aerobic exercise program at the same time they started chemotherapy self-reported improvement in cognitive functioning and mental abilities compared to the participants of the other group.
'Our findings strengthen the case for making exercise assessment, recommendation, and referral a routine part of cancer care; this may help empower women living with and beyond cancer to actively manage both their physical and mental health during and after treatment,' said Brunet.
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