22.8.2024 15:38:08 CEST | Hove A/S | Company Announcement
COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT NO. 41 - 2024 | 22-08-2024
Contains inside information.
In relation to the presentation of the interim financial statements for 2024, Hove announces that there is a deviation from the previously announced expectations in company announcement no. 35 dated 23 February 2024. The result for the year is expected to be a revenue of 160-175 million DKK (previously announced revenue 185-215 million DKK). and EBITDA of DKK 12-16 million. (previously announced EBITDA of DKK 17-23 million).
The Adjustment of guidance is due to:
- A lower than expected sales of lubricants
- Delay in sales to harbour terminales
- Cancellation of a major order in Brazil
- Increased salary cost
Management does not believe that the decline in lubricants is due to any changed competitive conditions.
Hove will publish the 2024 half-year report on 29 August 2024.
For further information:
Hans Christian Hansen
CEO Hove A/S
Tlf. (+45) 31359410
Certified adviser
Norden CEF A/S