Press release
Paris - October 7, 2024
Payment of a € 1 Bn interim dividend
La Banque Postale Executive Board met on October 7, 2024 under the chairmanship of Stéphane Dedeyan and agreed upon the distribution of a 1-billion-euro interim dividend to its shareholder La Poste SA. The payment will be made on October 15, 2024.
After taking into account this exceptional dividend, attributable net earnings for the first half of 2024 net of normative dividends, La Banque Postale CET1 ratio as of June, 30, 2024 would stand at 18.3%, a level significantly higher compared with regulatory requirements.
La Banque Postale, along with its subsidiaries, including CNP Assurances, forms a large international bancassurance group, 11th in the euro zone by the size of the balance sheet. Its diversified business model enables it to support 20 million individual and corporate customers and local public sector actors in France. A subsidiary of La Poste Group, La Banque Postale is a local bank, present throughout the country with 17,700 contact points, including almost 7,000 post offices.
With its strategic plan "La Banque Postale 2030", it has set itself the ambition to become the favorite bank for French people and the leader in impact finance, with an integrated and omnichannel offer of bank-insurance services, structured around its two brands: La Banque Postale, its day-to-day bank and Louvre Banque Privée, its private bank.
La Banque Postale is accelerating its diversification strategy and developing its expertise businesses, particularly in asset management, insurance, consumer credit and business and local development banking.
Drawing on its citizen identity, La Banque Postale is working towards a just transition by integrating environmental and social impact objectives into the heart of its governance. A company with a mission since March 2022, La Banque Postale aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2040. It is in the top rankings of the non-financial rating agencies.
Géraldine Lamarque - geraldine.lamarque@labanquepostale.fr - +33 (0)6 22 36 03 55
Gabriel Beya-Tumba - gabriel.beya@labanquepostale.fr - +33 (0)7 88 76 35 51
Linda Chibah - linda.chibah@labanquepostale.fr - +33 (0)7 84 56 16 94
Julien Rouch - julien.rouch@labanquepostale.fr - +33 (0)7 85 98 68 68
Victoire Bortoli - victoire.bortoli@labanquepostale.fr - +33 (0)6 70 56 39 04
France Plasse - france.plasse@laposte.fr - +33 (0)6 08 47 75 41
Stéphanie Noel - stephanie.noel@laposte.fr - +33 (0)6 38 27 32 91
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