23.10.2024 09:00:21 CEST | Risma Systems A/S | Company Announcement
Company Announcement No. 17-2024
Copenhagen, October 23, 2024
RISMA maintains current strategy "Sustainable growth" and renew unused credit facility.
In Company Announcement no 13-2022 by August 30, 2022 RISMA announced a new strategy "Sustainable growth" in which we limited cash burn but committed ourselves to invest the increasing income from software licenses in additional growth.
After two years we have evaluated the result of that strategy. We are satisfied with the results and have decided that we still consider this to be the right strategy for RISMA.
RISMA has a strong financial position. RISMA has a Cash position of 10,1 MDKK per June 2024 (Half-Year Report 2024), no debt and has an unused credit facility of 12 MDKK. The credit facility was today prolonged until March 2028.
RISMA does presently not plan to make use of this credit facility. It does, however, reduce the need for a buffer in bank deposits and thereby allows RISMA to invest in more growth opportunities.
We are presently evaluating different additional growth opportunities, mainly in the Sales and Customer Success functions. We experience an increasing inflow of leads, especially from potential large customers. We therefore need more resources in sales and Customer Success, especially senior resources.
Further Information
Lars Nybro Munksgaard, CEO & Founder
Mobile (+45) 31 48 11 00
e-mail: lnm@rismasystems.com
RISMA Systems A/S
Ejby Industrivej 34-38, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark
Certified Advisor
HC Andersen Capital
Pernille F. Andersen
Head of Advisory
Phone: +45 30 93 18 87
E-mail: ca@hcandersencapital.dk
Bredgade 23B 2., 1260 Copenhagen C, Denmark
About Risma Systems A/S
RISMA is a leading SaaS company empowering companies to take their governance, risk and compliance effort to the next level. We believe in the value of good corporate citizenship, and our customers share our vision of aspiring to make a positive difference in complying with both regulatory and stakeholder expectations.
Our software platform supports our customers to be in control and decision wise when structuring, handling, and documenting their efforts across governance, risk, and compliance. Our core GRC suite offers eight business-critical solutions relevant for all companies regardless of size and industry - GDPR & Privacy, ISMS & ISO27001, ESG & sustainability, Enterprise Risk, Financial & Internal controls, Vendors & Contracts, Policy Management, and Incident Management
RISMA is listed on Nasdaq First North with a mission to become a leading GRC platform for medium and enterprise businesses and organizations. We believe that being a good business - is really great for business.