Meeting on December 27, 2024, and exercising the authority granted by the General Meeting of May 14, 2024 (26th resolution), the Board of Directors decided to reduce the share capital by canceling 271,591 treasury shares, representing approximately 2% of the share capital (prior to the capital reduction).
This operation, effective as of December 27, follows the share buybacks carried out between April 25, 2024, and December 20, 2024, as part of the shareholder return policy and in accordance with the share buyback program authorized by the General Meeting of May 14, 2024, under its 6th resolution.
The share capital now amounts to €6,396,427.50, divided into 12,792,855 shares, each with an unchanged nominal value of €0.50.
The information related to the total number of voting rights and shares will accordingly be updated and made available on the company's website in the "Declarations of voting rights" section: https://aubay.com/en/investors/9-regulated-information
About Aubay
Aubay is a digital services company working alongside some of the biggest names in the Banking, Finance, Insurance, Manufacturing, Energy, Transport and Telecoms sectors. With 7,551 employees in seven countries (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom) at June 30, 2024, Aubay generated revenue of €534.1 million in 2023.
Euronext, Compartment: B - ISIN FR0000063737-AUB - Reuters AUBT.PA - Bloomberg AUB:FP
Amaury Dugast - Actus Finance - Tel: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 74 - E-mail: adugast@actus.fr
David Fuks - Co-Chief Operating Officer - Finance Department - Tel.: +33 (0)1 46 10 67 67 - E-mail: dfuks@aubay.com
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